Tackle Exclusion

How to be an effective ally in the workplace

How often do you witness behaviour at work that you know isn't right, but are unsure what to do about it?

Sadly, exclusive behaviours and micro-incivilities happen all too often. Even when they're unintentional, they're still damaging. They undermine individuals and have a negative impact on the overall performance of your business.

For over 35 years, Pearn Kandola have been driven by a mission to make the world fairer. We're business psychologists who know the importance of diversity & inclusion to the success of your business.

➤ Our practical guide is the first step in tackling exclusive behaviours.

It shows the "4 Ds" framework you (or your teams, managers and business leaders) can use every day to combat them and show allyship towards others:

  1. Distraction
  2. Delegation
  3. Delay
  4. Discussion

Download it today and find out how you can help to #maketheworldfairer.

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Make the world fairer

Create a better future for your organisation and its people. Diversity & Inclusion is about your organisation’s relationships, leadership, and culture. When you genuinely value and nurture Diversity & Inclusion, your business and your people benefit immensely.

Hello! We're Pearn Kandola, a business-psychology consultancy.

We want to make the modern workplace fair for everyone by promoting Diversity & Inclusion and eradicating prejudice and unfairness.

Difference inspires change. It inspires scientists to break new ground. It inspires social media giants to disrupt this new age of communication. It inspires countries to vote for strong female or minority leaders.

Most importantly for us, difference inspires business. We believe all businesses should embrace the power of difference. That’s why Diversity & Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do, and our expertise in this area covers the entire employee journey.

We help businesses understand the value of difference – so that they can be more inclusive, more inspired and more successful. When your company is diverse, it benefits from sustained growth, your employees grow, learn, and value what they do.

How to be an Active Ally cover

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